Thursday, June 8, 2017

Week 10 Forum post

TOPIC 1: YOUR BEST PHOTOJOURNALISM -- Consider the photos you posted on your blog this term:

  1. What was the best photo you took this term? (Post a copy of your favorite!)
  2. Why did that photo stand out?
  3. It stood out to me as being really simple, but focused, it draws your eye straight to the ball, and has a good sense of movement and rhythm.
  4. How does it reflect what you learned in Photojournalism?
  5. I learned to always shoot with the ball in mind, and to use a fast enough shutter speed.
  6. Think about your photo skills at the beginning of the term and now. What has changed in your ability or approach to taking and presenting photos? Give some EXAMPLES.
  7. Like I stated above, I have gained some technical skills and knowledge, and also have a better idea of what makes a good photo. For example, to fill the frame, shoot from new and interesting angles, etc.

TOPIC 2: YOUR GOALS -- Go back to the Forum for Week 1 and you'll find your response to this prompt:

GOALS -- Now that you've committed to taking Photojournalism this term, what are your THREE goals for this class? (In addition to earning a good grade!)

Copy and paste your THREE goals, then write about how you did in achieving them. Please include EXAMPLES.

Goal 1: Increase skill in photography!
I think I really did increase my overall skill in photography, although I didn't do the best job always being proactive when taking shooting opportunities. Something I can work on for sure.

Goal 2: Increase my summary and writing skills when captioning or writing pieces for the paper.
This is something I definitely can still work on, I need to add more detail, and work and background info on my subjects.
Goal 3: Have fun! I can't wait to get into this class, and enjoy a few of my favorite subjects mixed together!
Overall, I did enjoy the shooting aspects of this class, but I could have been more proactive, and worked harder to get better photos.

Photo Story - A Soccer Practice

LBCC Soccer Class Practice

Eric Morales (orange shirt) battles an opponent for possession of the ball.
David St. Onge vies for the ball against Obed Agurrie.

The switched-off group watches the game from the sideline.

Pedro Morales takes the ball away across the field.

Obed Agurrie (White/Grey shorts) prepares to kick a pass.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Week 6 "Your Choice" (late)

Meredith Love rides a horse from Evergreen Farm across a sunny field. Horse riding is one of her favorite things to do, and she is gaining skill every since beginning 2 years ago. 6/6/17

Riding through the forest on horseback at Evergreen Farms.
Close-up of Penny the Donkey.

Action Photos

Obby Steen shoots practice basketball in a parking lot. 5/24/17

 Another angle.

Obby Steen practices backflips in Philomath City Park.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

It's What We Do - Book Report

Josiah Love
JN - 134
Rob Priewe

                                             “It’s What We Do” Book Report

From the very beginning, Addario’s sense of purpose, and will to succeed at her chosen field is inspiring. No matter what career you choose to pursue, you have to admire her absolute refusal to give up, through the hardest circumstances.
Whatever I choose to do in life, I won’t forget Addario’s passion and drive that she showed throughout this book. Whether she was being held prisoner in Libya, or in an active warzone throughout Afghanistan, she always held her work in priority to her own safety, and stayed true to herself and her goals.

Addario’s unique ability to capture beauty and truth during the most desperate of times really brings something fresh to the the field of photojournalism, and not only shines a light on situations, and puts our own lives in perspective, but also provides us with detailed visuals.  For me personally, her photos, as well as her vivid descriptions, really made me feel like I was there, experiencing the pain, the struggle, and the satisfaction of finally getting the perfect shot.

Some of my personal favorite moments were Addario’s vivid descriptions of Saddam Hussain’s fall, her photographs of children swimming in a lake that was once his palace moat. (pg. 128) She captured this, and moments like these, so well, it genuinely inspires me to travel, and to bring my camera as well!

Through every situation which Addario was thrust into, she persevered, with an attitude of privilege, rather than of being inconvenienced. This can be shown through her quote: “Where in the world would I rather be than on the front line of history?”.

This mindset is admirable, and all though the intensity and constant danger of her line of work may be too much for most of us to handle, we should all try and apply her paradigm to our own lives, no matter what we may be doing.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Hometown Shoot

Justice Wenger doing an "epic pose" after his soccer practice on Saturday the 13th in Philomath OR.
Justice loves to read, play basketball, and ride his skateboard, but soccer is one of his very favorite things on a sunny day.

The Philomath High School Band preforms a jazz piece on a Friday evening in the PHS auditorium, during the pre-graduation ceremonies. 5/19/17


The classic log-cut Philomath sign, with a late sunset in the background.