TOPIC 1: YOUR BEST PHOTOJOURNALISM -- Consider the photos you posted on your blog this term:
- What was the best photo you took this term? (Post a copy of your favorite!)
- Why did that photo stand out?
- It stood out to me as being really simple, but focused, it draws your eye straight to the ball, and has a good sense of movement and rhythm.
- How does it reflect what you learned in Photojournalism?
- I learned to always shoot with the ball in mind, and to use a fast enough shutter speed.
- Think about your photo skills at the beginning of the term and now. What has changed in your ability or approach to taking and presenting photos? Give some EXAMPLES.
- Like I stated above, I have gained some technical skills and knowledge, and also have a better idea of what makes a good photo. For example, to fill the frame, shoot from new and interesting angles, etc.
TOPIC 2: YOUR GOALS -- Go back to the Forum for Week 1 and you'll find your response to this prompt:
GOALS -- Now that you've committed to taking Photojournalism this term, what are your THREE goals for this class? (In addition to earning a good grade!)
Copy and paste your THREE goals, then write about how you did in achieving them. Please include EXAMPLES.
Goal 1: Increase skill in photography!
I think I really did increase my overall skill in photography, although I didn't do the best job always being proactive when taking shooting opportunities. Something I can work on for sure.
Goal 2: Increase my summary and writing skills when captioning or writing pieces for the paper.
This is something I definitely can still work on, I need to add more detail, and work and background info on my subjects.
Overall, I did enjoy the shooting aspects of this class, but I could have been more proactive, and worked harder to get better photos.
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