Monday, May 22, 2017

Week 7 Forum

TOPIC 1: SHOOTING SPORTS -- Our guest speaker Scobel Wiggins offered a variety of suggestions for shooting action and sports.

  1. Write in detail about TWO TIPS that stood out in Scobel's talk.
  2. For each tip describe how you can use that suggestion for your own sports/action assignment.
1. To capture the ball (or disc) in your sports photos, plan ahead, and be aiming on the spot you planned for in advance.
When I go to shoot the action photos for my assignment, I will definitely keep this in mind, if I shoot a skateboarder, I will be ready for with the frame that my subject is about to enter.

2. Be cautious, kind, and very respectful of other photographers/onlookers.
If there happen to be spectators or even other skaters at the park when I go to shoot, and I will have to navigate in a respectful way, to avoid being a distraction or annoyance to the subject as well as any other people.

TOPIC 2: ACTION/SPORTS PHOTOS -- Now that you've got some tips on how to shoot action ...
  1. WHAT is your Sports/Action subject?
  2. A skateboarder/BMX biker or something related.
  3. WHEN and WHERE are you going to shoot it?
  4. Hopefully this week, and, at my skate park.
  5. Scobel talked about her approach to shooting sports/action. Your approach must include an "overall,” "medium” and a "closeup/detail” shot. While one of these can be a “sideline” shot, you must have at least one good ACTION PHOTO. List your ideas for:

Close up: Low angle of someone dropping in to the halfpipe.

Overall: Wide angle overhead of the whole park

Medium Side angle shot of someone kickflipping/ollie

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Week 6 Event Photos


 Members of the traditional drum ensemble Monmouth Taiko perform a "praise to nature" in LBCC's courtyard during Diversity Day on May 10th. 

 Members of the traditional drum ensemble Monmouth Taiko perform in LBCC's courtyard during Diversity Day on May 10th.      

One of the members of Monmouth Taiko performs during LBCC's diversity day in the courtyard on May 10th.                       

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Week 6 Forum Post

TOPIC 1: MY HOMETOWN -- Next week’s assignment is to post three photos from your “hometown” -- a news or feature photo of an activity; an environmental portrait; and a landmark, preferably with people in it.

As you embark on this quest, answer these three questions:
  1. What town/city are you going to photograph and WHY?
  2. I will take pictures in my hometown of Philomath, it has a nice small-town feel, and will fit perfectly.
  3. List 3 ideas for photos that you could take: one portrait subject; one landmark; and one activity.
  4. For a portrait subject, I could photograph my friend who works at Miller Timber Services here, for the landmark, maybe a beautiful overall of the town from one of the surrounding hills, and for an activity, maybe something school-related, sports practice, etc.
  5. Which one of these photos will pose the biggest challenge for you, and explain WHY.
Finding someone to take a portrait of is always time consuming, and often annoying for you and your subject. That will most likely be the biggest challenge.

TOPIC 2: TWO PHOTO STORY IDEAS --  Begin thinking about the Photo Story that you will do to culminate this term in Photojournalism.  

Outline TWO photo stories that you could do for your final assignment.
1. Skating in Philomath/Corvallis. 
I have quite a few friends who skateboard, and they love to practice tricks and have me shoot them doing it. It would make an interesting story, seeing them get better and practice new things.
Who: My friends
What and Where? Them, at various skate parks
When? Hopefully on Sunday if the weather clears up.

First, answer the questions:
    • Who?
    • What?
    • When?
    • Where?
Second, describe how you would go about documenting the subject, and what preparations or arrangements would be necessary to pull it off.
To pull it off, I have to find a time when multiple people are at the skate park, practicing, the light would have to be decent as well, and I might have to physically arrange something. Most likely however, I can just head over when a few people are skating.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Week 4 forum post :D

TOPIC 1: NPPA CODE OF ETHICS -- Look at the National Press Photographers Association Code of Ethics posted on Moodle.

Which item in the "Code of Ethics” section do you find most compelling? EXPLAIN WHY that stands out.
Resist being compelled by staged photo opportunities.

I find this interesting, as it doesn't just tell you to avoid staging shots, but rather warns you to not take the opportunity in the first place. Something I wouldn't have thought of, but a possibility o be careful about nonetheless.

Next, look at the list under "Ideally, photojournalists should ...” Again, pick the item that most stands out for you and EXPLAIN WHY you think it matters.
Strive to be HUMBLE and unobtrusive.

I was interested in this rule, as it states that we as photojournalists should strive to be humble. That is something that I feel like would be often overlooked or forgotten, when you are trying to get that perfect shot.

Write about an EXAMPLE that illustrates one of the principles you highlighted from the NPPA Code of Ethics. In other words, how would you apply the rule?

To give an example of the staged photo opportunity, perhaps you are walking down the street, looking for a good shot, and you see a burned out building, and next to it, on a clean building, a political ad. Do you discreetly switch the poster to the destroyed structure for the effect? No, instead take the shot as is, or keep looking.
TOPIC 2: FAVORITE PHOTOS -- As we approach the midpoint of the term, let's do a shoutout for some of your fellow students' work.

Go through the class blog and pick out TWO PHOTOS by TWO DIFFERENT STUDENTS other than yourself that you appreciate.

Then tell why you like the photo (e.g. great subject, angle, use of light, details in the caption). Be sure to include LINKS to your favorite photos! If you like, POST A COPY of the photos, too.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Unveiling the Veil Event Shoot

Rania Khater speaks on the many intricacies and misunderstandings that surround the headscarf.


                                   Her audience listens closely as they gather in the DAC.

                                                                     Rania Khater

Meredith Love, of Philomath Oregon loves to ride horses, so much so that she spends every   bit of her spare time at the stables, cleaning, brushing and taking care of the horses almost every day. She takes them on long rides all around the surrounding countryside, and has many great stories to tell.

                                                                    Meredith Love